mistakes are wrong and if you listen to them you won't make mistakes
an excellent summary of Watchtower philosophy !!!
i've had the misfortune to encounter quite a few mummies boys in the cult.
men aged 20-40 who although in men's bodies think,act and behave like children.
their mother's had them tied to the apron strings tightly.
mistakes are wrong and if you listen to them you won't make mistakes
an excellent summary of Watchtower philosophy !!!
according to today's wt, jws are now encouraged to start bible studys with worldy kids even if their parents dont want to join in.
the wt suggests that the study should take place with the parent present or with another mature jw present.. the wt suggests that studying with the kid may make the parent eventually want a study too.. ...
in what situation would any worldly parent allow some stranger from a werid cult to come jnto their house and convert their children?
we had several cases in my congregation. There were very low instructed parents who wanted JWs to give their children a basical spiritual and moral instruction.
When those kids entered their 'teens, all that collapsed and there were absolutely no positive result.
organizational accomplishments - building a solid digital foundation.
organizational accomplishments—building a solid digital foundation video will be considered the week of september 11, 2017.
another point : it's really incredible that jw.org has never been hacked. Millions of dollars must be spent in the security. Even the white house, the CIA or the NASA have been hacked many and many times, but jw.org, never!!!
I really believe that the dream of every hacker in the world is to remove the blue quarter jw.org and put the face of Mickey mouse...
organizational accomplishments - building a solid digital foundation.
organizational accomplishments—building a solid digital foundation video will be considered the week of september 11, 2017.
they just forgot to talk about millions of dollars spent to make jw.org appear first on any Google research about Jehovah's witnesses.
When one knows the fortune spent by worldwide companies to bye many names on Google, everyone can imagine how much the Watchtower spends year after year for the same result
how can we briefly make a calm, dignified point to witnesses we care about such as family or friends?
how can we make them think?.
here are a couple of well known scriptures: (from the revised new world translation.
it was the verse a loving elder sent me in the face when I told him, 10 years ago, I was in love with a non witness woman (10 years of real happiness). He told that, because of people like me remaining in the congregation, the holy spirit couldn't be efficient among each christian.
I hope they get more holy spirit now that I left!!
here in holland jw.org is organizing for the first time the yearly conventions like circuits.
the whole summer the new convention hall is used for small group conventions instead of 10.000 seat external halls.. it keeps the money in the organization.
not renting external buildings.. the 29.000 witnesses here are divided now into 2.000 seat audience.. g..
it's the same in the north of France. 8 meetings of 1000 instead of a great one.
watching rated r movies?
maybe a little gambling in vegas?
when i was in high school i went to the mall with my friend at the time, who happened to be a female.
knocking at people's door and giving them litterature which I knew was worth nothing.
Telling them our organisation was in the truth even if I knew it was false
it's been 8 years, but i am back.
my health has returned.
what did i miss?.
JWs have become a video religion/cult. No more prophecy, no more reasoning about scriptures... Only videos to be shown on field service and to be watched at the meetings and assemblies (more than 40 videos on 2016 regional conventions).
And I forgot JW broadcasting where you will see '80s televangelists were just amateurs.
and the invasion of screens at the meetings!!! No more paper bible, no more songbbok, no more... nothing!! Everything's in your smartphone, with a weekly update on devil's internet (oh no, internet is now holy)
convention introductions.
2017 “don’t give up!” convention.
i'm just confounded.
are the french people eager to destroy their country?
they elected a man who is quoted as saying that "terrorism is going to be part of daily life in france for years to come.
I'm French and very interessed in politics, now that my theocratic activities have fallen to zéro! Most of French people are not racialists but many who voted for the Front National are quite lost and unable to think but themselves.
So they vote for those who shout the louder and tell them what they want to hear...
I think that nothing will change for next 5 years; poor one will become poorer and rich will get richer!!
A real change may appear in 5 years, when all this mass of disappointed people will be more and more hopeless...